Meet our Revolutionary Brand Software
It’s decades of proven psychology underneath a wealth of tools to unify your identity, voice, look, feel—even your entire company culture—in a way that’s not only unprecedented but unmistakably singular—and therefore indispensable.
At the Core of Each Subscription
Proven Science
Intuitive and Easy
Customer Success

Common Values Discovered!
What do you highly agree on? What are things that bring together the highly- appreciated differences in the people behind the brand? Sometimes these are difficult things to talk about on their own. BrandTruth® provides the platform to find natural agreement and allows you to maximize those things that are true in your organization—not just another slogan or empty promise you’re forced to stand behind.
As part of your natural progression through the software, the BrandTruth® algorithm will identify the common values that lead to your market Know, Like, Trust factor, as well as internal cultural foundation.
The BrandTruth® Formula Adds Up to One Distinctive Statement.
Your brand character – the set of human attributes associated with your organization
Your common values
The persona through which you articulate your brand
How you say it

The combination of words and images